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文獻名: Attachment from Flow of Escherichia coli Bacteria onto Silanized Glass Substrates

作者: Sumedha Sharma † and Jacinta C. Conrad †‡
†Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
‡Petroleum Engineering Program, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77006, United States

摘要:We investigate the attachment of Escherichia coli on silanized glass surfaces during flow through a linear channel at flow rates of 0.1—1 mL/min using confocal microscopy. We assemble layers of organosilanes on glass and track the position and orientation of bacteria deposited on these surfaces during flow with high spatial resolution. We find that a metric based on the degree of the surface-tethered motion of bacteria driven by flagella is inversely correlated with deposition rate, whereas conventional surface characterizations, such as surface energy or water contact angle, are uncorrelated. Furthermore, the likelihood that an initially moving bacterium becomes immobilized increases with increasing deposition rate. Our results suggest that the chemistry and arrangement of silane molecules on the surface influence the transition from transient to irreversible attachment by favoring different mechanisms used by bacteria to attach to surfaces.

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