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文獻名:Establishment of a standardized dietary model for nanoparticles oral exposure studies



作者 Yan Li, Kun Jiang, Hui Cao, Min Yuan, Tai Ye, Fei Xu

School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Food Rapid Detection, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


摘要:Food matrices could affect the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles (NPs) and define the biological effects of NPs via oral exposure compared with the pristine NPs. We established a standardized dietary model based on Chinese dietary reference intakes and Chinese dietary guidelines to mimic the exposure of NPs in real life and to evaluate further the biological effect and toxicity of NPs via oral exposure compared with current models. The standardized dietary model prepared from the primary emulsion was dried into powder using spray drying compared with commercial food powder and then was reconstituted compared with the fresh sample. The average particle size (295.59 nm), potential (−23.78 mV), viscosity (0.04 pa s), and colors (L*, a*, b* = 84.13, −0.116, 8.908) were measured and characterized of the fresh sample. The flowability (repose angle = 37.28° and slide angle = 36.75°), moisture (2.68%), colors (L*, a*, b* = 94.16, −0.27, 3.01), and bulk density (0.45 g/ml) were compared with commercial food powder. The size (310.75 nm), potential (−23.98 mV), and viscosity (0.04 pa s) of reconstituted model were similar to the fresh sample. Results demonstrated that the model was satisfy the characterizations of easy to fabrication, good stability, small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, strong practicability, and good reproducibility similar to most physiological food state and will be used to evaluate NPs’ safety.



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