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文獻名:Synthesis of Narrowly Dispersed Block Copolymer of Butyl Acrylate and Acrylic Acid in a Solution Acquiring Colloidal Properties during Cooling



作者 N. Yu. Shushunovaa, B. B. Troitskiia, S. A. Chesnokova, T. A. Kovylinaa, and A. N. Koneva

Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia



摘要:The homophase polymerization of acrylic acid is carried out in a solution of poly(butyl acrylate) trithiocarbonate (PBATC) in a mixed solvent 2-propanol–water. The phase diagram of the three-component PBATC-2-propanol–water system at 22°C is obtained. The homophase region of the compositions of semidilute solutions is determined. The homophase polymerization of AA in the three-component system at 70°C, in which the mixed solvent with respect to PBATC is similar in thermodynamic quality to the θ-solvent at 22°, yields solutions of the narrowly dispersed block copolymer butyl acrylate–acrylic acid. The content of the block copolymer in solutions is 15–23%, the MW of the copolymer is 10–20 × 103, and the polydispersity coefficient is 1.12–1.16. As evidenced by dynamic light scattering, under normal conditions, the solutions contain nanoparticles with a diameter of up to 50 nm with a narrow size distribution.



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美國布魯克海文儀器公司上海代表處 版權所有  管理登陸 ICP備案號:滬ICP備19006074號-2 技術支持:化工儀器網
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