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文獻名: Modulation of membrane properties by DNA in liposomes: A spectroscopic study


作者 Hongjin Qu, Changchun Hao, Zhezhu Nan, Xianggang Zhang, Runguang Sun

School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China


摘要: Liposome mediated DNA transport possesses a number of preventing diseases in clinical trials, thus, the study of interaction between DNA and liposomes has become a hot research direction. In this paper, the adsorption behavior of DNA onto two representative lipids had been studied by the fluorescence spectrum measurement, Ultraviolet absorption spectrum and Langmuir-Blodgett technology. The results of fluorescence spectrum measurement indicated that the fluorescence liposomes were quenched statically by DNA at all three temperatures. Thermodynamic analysis displayed that the intermolecular forces between DNA and liposomes were van der Waals forces and Hydrogen bonding. The experimental results of Ultraviolet absorption spectrum and Langmuir-Blodgett technology further verified these mechanisms. This work provides useful theoretical basis for the development of novel DNA delivery materials.

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