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Preparation methods of bactericidal microfiltration membranes modified with compounds of silver, copper, and iodine


作者: Dinar D. Fazullin, Gennady V. Mavrin

Department of Chemistry and Ecology, Higher Engineering School, Kazan Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny, Prospect Mira, 68/19, 420015 Russia


摘要:Aim and Scope: Membrane technologies have become widespread in all fields of science and technology: Chemistry, petrochemistry, medicine, biology, pharmaceutics, electronic, and food industries. One of the directions of membrane use is sterilization, an antibacterial treatment of drinking water, chemical, biological, and medical solutions. Materials and Methods: The method of obtaining bactericidal membranes is an alternative method of struggle with bacterial contamination. The antibacterial microfiltration membranes were prepared in the work by treating an original membrane of nylon with silver, copper, and iodine compounds. Result and Discussion: The size of the silver particles deposited on the membrane surface was 102–617 nm, the size of copper particles made 249–415 nm, and the size of iodine particles made 206–359 nm. The elemental composition and the surface distribution of silver, copper, and iodine were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis using a scanning electron microscope on the surface of modified membranes. The silver content on the surface of the modified membrane was 9.06%, the content of copper after the treatment with copper sulfate solution was 3.8%, and iodine content made 4.4%. Conclusion: There is a slight decrease in the specific productivity of membranes after the treatment with reagents. 100% bactericidal activity of membranes treated with silver nitrate solution was revealed. The membranes treated with the solutions of CuSO4 and J2 have a bacteriostatic property, and their antimicrobial activity manifests itself in the inhibition of microorganism growth.

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